Tuesday, July 21, 2009

There's strong, and then there's ARMY strong

I got a phone call Sunday night from a wonderful lady from church asking if she could bring something to Eric. She knows how interested he is in anything military, so she asked her army-recruiter-son to pull a few things together for Eric.

I had a little boy in hog heaven. He has been playing with the stuff for 2 days straight and even managed to share or give some things to Ian.

Oh, and he keeps reminding me that "there's strong and then there's Army strong."

15 seconds after this picture was taken the poster was on his wall.

pouring over his army stuff

Thank You Kathy and Josh!


Jae said...
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Elsha said...

So is it just the Army he's interested in or the military in general?

That Janie Girl said...

How awesome is that???

Jaimie said...

Uh-oh! Does this mean he's going to join someday :) Or maybe it's a phase? It's really cool that he's so interested in it, and it would be amazing if it stuck until he grows up. I think I wanted to be a dancer, a vet....who knows, but I was never THAT into it ;) haha Go Eric!

Megs said...

What a lucky kid. That would be so fun to have all that stuff. He looks so cute all wrapped up in that book.