Thursday, July 16, 2009

All in a Day's Work

I just finished clipping 50 fingernails and 50 toenails.

There were hands and feet flung in directions I didn't know were possible.

I feel like I have run a marathon.

Anyone else have a parenting chore they love?


Katy said...

Oh, clipping nails is the worst! How about bathing the kids in general? Don't get me wrong, I love having clean kids so I do bathe mine constantly, but that part of the nightly routine can be so tiring and I always end up soaked!

Brooke said...

I love nail clipping day, just like you! And I agree with Katy, bath time is wonderful too. How do we pick a favorite?

Megs said...

Mine is one everyone says that they love. I always feel ashamed because all other mothers love it. My favorite is getting the kids to bed. I always am laying there thinking about all I still need to do before I go to bed. I feel my free time being sucked away with every second I spend lying down. Horrible I know.

Steph said...

Ha! The funny thing is, in a week and a half they will all be getting long again. I am amazed at how fast those little fingernails grow!

Steph said...

I love cutting hair. Not really. Zachary is a Chia Pet.

Carrie said...

I actually love trimming finger nails, but I'm an OCD freak that way. I will agree with the others that bathtime is least favorite. It turns into a battle of wills with one or all each and every night. Thank goodness for summer, when bathtimes can be skipped a couple times a week!

Sarah said...

LOL...I would have to say that dinner and bathtime just about do me in. By that time of the day, I am worn out!

Hildie said...

I love cleaning out ears. Especially when they're really gross.