Tuesday, June 2, 2009

School's out for Summer

Yesterday was the first day of no school. Yeah! Guess what? We made it until 9:30am before Tara declared, "I'm bored. There's nothing to do; summer is boring." I looked around at the mound of dishes I was still working on from breakfast and realized it might be a long summer.

This morning I had a plan. All the kids were up and pulling weeds in the front yard before 8am. Today they promised they weren't bored anymore. Eric also informed me that, "We are the only kids in our whole neighborhood who have to do chores."

At least they aren't bored.


TuTu's Bliss said...

LOL! That is a great plan. I like your parenting style. Love the marble idea!

grammawood said...

Once Aunt Carol's kids said to her (after she assigned them chores), "You only had kids to be your slaves!" In a huff, she walked out to cool off on the porch. The mailman had just brought a letter (from her sister Marilyn)wondering how in the world she got her kids to do their chores so well!
I think pulling weeds is a great way to keep from being bored. More power to you. I just wish I'd had my kids do even more chores. They'll love you for it when they are older.

Elsha said...

Have I told you about the time my mom made the "I'm bored" jar for my brother? It's a good one.

Brooke said...

Gently inform your kids that though we may not be in your neighborhood, my kids do chores too. If they'd like to trade and do chores at my house instead, you're welcome to drop them off. I have no issues with child labor... :)

Brimaca said...

My mom also had us do chores if we claimed boredom. It worked!

Man now I would do anything to have five minutes of boredom.

lori frerman said...

I do the same thing! When I here I am bored, I do get slave labor! Great minds think alike!
BTW Emma does not tell me she is bored anymore.

lori frerman said...
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Steph said...

When I was little I had to pick up dog poop in the backyard, mow the lawn, wash dishes and take out the trash. We lived in the sticks and had to burn our trash in a big drum. I turned out just fine. Well, maybe?

Steph said...

PS Even YOU had to cut my kids off from food. Ha ha ha!

The Stringers said...

Right on!! I'm still waiting to hear that, but I am prepared for when I do...

Megs said...

I think my kids really are the only ones that don't have to do chores. It is tough being the meanest Mom on the block but someone has to do it.

Here's to summer! Wish me luck