Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Ring Picture

It is hard to get a good ring picture, but this will do.


Elsha said...

So pretty!

emblair said...

Simply STUNNING!!!!

Beautiful, Lar. Love it, love it. Sooooo excited for you!

ManDee and Scott Laing said...

Very pretty!!!

Dianne said...

it's beautiful.

Rachel said...

Yay! You have a wedding ring again. You lucky gal to have such a romantic husband:-)

Megs said...

Oh I love it. It is beautiful. Beautiful ring for a beautiful woman. Hey how does it compare to the other ring? I don't know what your previous engagement ring looked like.

Steph said...

Good thing your nails are done!

Laura said...

I love it! It's so pretty...he did good!

Sarah said...

It is beautiful! I love it.

Just a ranch girl said...

You lucky girl!!! I don't know those ring pops could come a close 2nd.

grammawood said...

So, am I to gather that the family vacation is your honeymoon?

Hildie said...

Glad you're finally making it legal :-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog. We have the same order of kids ( G,B, B, G, G. Now you just have to have a little boy!)

Jaimie said...

The picture doesn't do it justice! It is so pretty! Congrats! Maybe I need to let Hannah play with my ring ;)

Melissa said...

I love it Laura. It is so pretty. Reading your blog about getting it made tears come to my eyes. You got yourself a good one - the ring and the man. I keep telling Zack he better re-propose some time because his proposal really stunk:)