Saturday, May 30, 2009

Here's the Deal...

Tara and I made a deal.

If she yells at me, I get to put a marble in her jar. If I yell at her, she gets to put a marble in my jar. The person with the most marbles gets to buy the winner a new book.

So far it's tied. 1 to 1.

Wish me luck!


That Janie Girl said...

But are your marbles bigger than Tara's?

Dianne said...

good thinking!

Christina said...

what a great idea!

Megs said...

I would totally get my trashed kicked in that one. I am a YELLER!

Katy said...

I love that idea!! I would be ashamed of the amount of marbles I would probably collect though! I almost wouldn't want to know! :)

Brooke said...

What a great idea! I'm filing this in my head for use in a couple of years...already planning ahead! :) Good luck, I know the prospect of a new book and the visual of marbles would keep my voice down to a dull roar.

Mel said...

That's really using your marbles! Ha. Ha. Ha.

Elsha said...

That sounds like it could get interesting!

Brimaca said...

This might even work with M. He loves books enough to use it for any bribe. I may try it soon. :)

Steph said...

You are toast. Tara loves a good challenge.