Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Procrastination is my middle name

I started working on the dresses the girls are going to wear to Brent's wedding over a month ago. I did most of them in a 3 day stretch in March and thought I would whip out the rest in no time. Turns out that I can procrastinate with the best of them.

Since I planned to have the dresses serve double duty...wedding and Easter, I was in a real time crunch Saturday night when they weren't done. I finished the dresses Sunday morning at 7am. Beat that, baby!

Here are the girls in their Easter/soon-to-be-wedding glory.




I couldn't resist this face, so you get to see it too

All the girls


Danielle said...

They are beautiful! Hey we were both up sewing early Sunday morning. I got you beat, though. I was up at 6:45 finishing mine. ;)

Christina said...

gorgeous! i love them!

Katy said...

Those dresses are gorgeous!

Katie said...

they are so pretty! well done!

Megan said...

How pretty! Way to go!

Elsha said...

They are just adorable!

Sarah said...

I LOVE them! Great job! And don't feel bad I procrastinate too. I find that I work better under pressure. LOL

-B- said...

AHHH!! I absolutely LOVE them! they are so adorable! try not to steal my thunder ladies!!...I'm even more excited now! :)

Adriane said...

Such beautiful dresses! Good job.

The Matthews Family said...

Laura those turned out so well. Tara's just suits her; you can tell she feels so pretty in it and that is the true test of success. Worth all of the hard work and whatever else may have been neglected in their place-at least thats what happens with me and projects.

emblair said...

Sounds like me around Halloween time! And the dresses are B-E-A-utiful! Along with all the girls wearing them. :) You did such a fabulous job!

emblair said...

And finally a new picture of Kyra...yeah!!

lori frerman said...

Can I hire you? Those are so awesome!

Dianne said...

they are fabulous!! i'll take 2!

Megs said...

Those are beautiful. I am very impressed. I can't sew with patterns. It might as well be in a foreign language. They look so pretty!

Becky Shuler said...

I'm amazed! You did a fantastic job! Way to go! The girls look gorgeous! I bet Tara was very proud to wear her dress to church on Easter! You can see it in her face.