Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Eric had a birthday on Friday (I know, I am really slow on that and I promise to rectify that soon). I decided to surprise him by eating lunch with him at school...without ANY of his siblings. Every kid deserves some special one on one time, right?

I walked into the lunch room to a chorus of "Eric, your mom's here." Oh, those kindergartners were so excited to see me.

Except Eric.

The first words out of his mouth, "where's Ian". Sheesh. I told him it was just me, and we could have so much fun eating together and playing on the playground. "Okay Mom, but next time bring Ian because he is more fun to play with."

I guess I know his preference now.


Katie said...

laura, i actually prefer ian too. ;)

Danielle said...

Oh that is too funny! Ian is a cutie, who wouldn't want him around? :)

Hope you had a good lunch!

Elsha said...

Doesn't that just make you feel loved?

Steph said...

At least it wasn't "where's Dad?". I get that from time to time.

Brimaca said...

Wow! That's great that he WANTS to play with little brother. I wish.....Cute idea to go eat with him.