Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pocket Full of...

I just emptied Amy's pockets, and look what I found.

Appetizing. Plus she has some loose change to purchase additional bananas should these get squished.


Steph said...

Oh, gross!
I am dreading helping the girls clean their room. Gary the snail and all of his snail friends are still in a jar somewhere in there. Yes, live snails. Do they come any other way? Needless to say I am glad they did not end up in the pockets!

Danielle said...

yummy! At least you found it before it was mashed bannanas. :)

Katie said...

you could easily whip up some banana bread now!

Sarah said...

that is hilarious. at least it's fake money she got banana goop on.

Elsha said...

Mmmmm. Pocket bananas. Delicious.

emblair said...

Looks like a tastey treat! Yummm.

Megs said...

Banana bread anyone?

Mary Lampros said...

That is sooooo funny. I can't count the number of times I've found bruised banana stubs like that around the house, in my bed, but never in pockets!