Saturday, May 2, 2009

Rhetorical Question

Despite my flirting with feminism in high school, turns out I'm all for gender specific jobs. Jared takes out the trash. I cook dinner, etc.

So, why is it that all of the things I usually defer to Jared seem to happen when he is gone? Like the removal and disposal of dead birds, holes in drywall, and running to the store for only a gallon of milk?


Brooke said...

Holes in dry wall can wait until he gets home...dead birds start to freak me out if they are left, sorry! And milk...makes me want a cow so I don't have to make the grocery runs, except then I would have to milk the stinkin' thing! Good Luck!

Brimaca said...

Yeah. Except mines when he's here. Like the trash is spilling over but I'm apparently the only ones with eyes in the house. Oh wait except Libby who tries to eat out of it.

Ashleigh said...

i know, right?!

emblair said...

No kidding...I just cleaned a squished frog (with all its innards hanging out) off the floor of the garage. Totally should be a guy thing to do. Gross!

Steph said...

Jason's job is putting kids to bed. I hate the whole routine. Just go to bed already! When he is gone I dread bedtime.

Megs said...

I understand your pain. I just had to clean the drain out. UGH!