Friday, January 16, 2009

More fun than a root canal

I just spent the last 2 hours trying to convince Tara that new glasses are a good thing.

Especially if the old glasses are broken and being held together with shrink tubing (see photo above!)

She didn't seem to appreciate my attempt to buy her a new, expensive accessory. Or the fact that I closely resembled a three ring circus as I bounced Kyra in the Bjorn, pushed Amy in the stroller, and simultaneously picked glasses for Tara to try and refereed the boys' near wrestling matches in 3, yes 3, different stores!

I felt like a woman on the verge of tears each time a frame was rejected.

I haven't actually had a root canal to compare, but I think this was at least as painful!



Dianne said...

I do not envy your dilemma.... Though, I know you'll come up with some witty, hilarious scheme to persuade her into some pair. For heavens sake, you outwitted the Self-Checkout at the grocery store, right? I have all kinds of confidence in you! lol

Brimaca said...

I love your blog. I need the comic relief - as you have witnessed on my blog.

Brimaca said...

Oh yeah and I'm so sorry. Very stressful. I would volunteer to come along and help except that would be adding two more children and I would volunteer to babysit but with our potty training excursions it is not a good idea (believe me I babysat the Manning kids the other day and it was a story I don't think you want to hear). If you can wait a week I'll watch them while you take her no problem.

Carrie said...

Sounds like fun....why am I not more envious?!

Jaimie said...

You crazy woman! Don't you know that I am just a phone call away :) You so need to drop all the kids off and go try again. You really don't have to do it all yourself, you superwoman! :)

grammawood said...

Actually, Laura, a root canal is the absolute worst pain I have ever been in! But hauling kids around and not getting the frames after all is certainly annoying! I hate shopping for glass frames. That is something I always had David do. And he chooses my frames too. He has better taste in that area than I ever did!

emblair said...

Just stop taping the old ones together. After a day of not being able to see anything, maybe she might agree to getting a new set of frames. Wish I was there to watch the rest of the gang for ya. Molly would love the company!

lori frerman said...
When you only pay 8 dollars for them who cares if she does not like them!
Honestly I ordered my last pair from them, got them in 2 weeks and I love them!
Gotta help people save money!

Megs said...

Laura I don't know how you do it. You are an awesome woman. Good luck with the glasses thing. We finally gave up on Ellie. Surgery number 9 here we come.

Mary Lampros said...

Okay, I will never again complain about the woes of shopping with two...with the carseat taking up the whole grocery cart and the two-year-old escaping to the Valentine's Day candy aisle before I could spot him. Nope, your experience was MUCH harder than mine!