Monday, January 5, 2009

Fraud Detection Division

Albertson's had a sale on sugar, .99 for a 4 lb bag. That is my stock up price, but they had a limit of one bag. I needed several other things, so I separated my purchases into 11 different transactions and got all the sugar I a dollar a bag. Sure, it took me about 15 minutes in the self check out lane, but I saved between 8 and 9 bucks. Victory for the frugal, right?

Until I got home.

Jared was waiting at the door for me. He was trying to decide if he should be miffed or shaking with laughter. He just had a 10 min phone call with Discover Card Fraud Detection Division. Apparently the 11 different transactions in the space of 15 minutes triggered some kind of red flag. Jared had to assure them that yes each of the 11 charges for under $10 at Albertson's was authorized. I assured Jared that no I wouldn't be doing it again.

Unless flour goes on sale for $.79 with a limit of one...


The Stringers said...

totally worth it. I'm cheap, too.

The Stringers said...

totally worth it. I'm cheap, too.

Rachel said...


Jaimie said...

You are so funny! Can't you just get a big bag o sugar from Sam's? I guess it's probably not as cheap though. We have food storage coming out our ears around here and can't find a place to put it all. If you have any storage tips, pass em along! :)

Megs said...

That is something I would totally do. And heck yes I will be doing that again. Tell those card people to keep doing their job and you will keep doing yours. I have never been smart enough to use self check out for that stuff. I always tick off a cashier by having each of my kids buy something on their own and adding the sugar that way. You are very wise.

Dianne said...

that is hilarious!

Steph said...

You are so funny! I don't even know how much sugar is when it isn't on sale.

Steph said...

Discover Card is wonderful about fraud detection, unless you are traveling across the country. They would shut my card down everytime I entered a new state and needed gas. It was resolved with a quick phone call but still not convienent when you are trying to get gas in your car late at night with kids waiting in it!

Steph said...

Did you do this while the kids were with you?!

emblair said...

Nice one, Lar! Should make you glad to know that Discover's got your back though, right!