Tuesday, January 6, 2009

11 years

I've been married for 11 years today. How did that happen? It doesn't seem like it could possibly have been that long.

Since we have been married we have...

Both graduated from Texas Tech University

Both gotten real jobs (and quit them too)

Moved 5 times

Lived in 2 Cities

Bought 2 homes

Had 5 children

Both been stay at home parents

Kayaked in the Pacific Ocean

Overlooked Chicago from the Sears Tower

Survived camping with a newborn

Swam in the Gulf of Mexico

And, I am thankful that I got to share all of those experiences with Jared. I love him and he is my best friend.

Check out the BEAUTIFUL flowers he gave me...


Dianne said...

Congrats! It goes incredibly quickly doesn't it?

Brooke said...

congratulations! I'm looking forward to getting there one day, we're at four years and counting. Such fun in just 11 short years! :)

Steph said...

Happy anniversary! The flowers are beautiful!
What did you all do? Did you manage a night without ANY kids?

Steph said...

Happy anniversary! The flowers are beautiful!
What did you all do? Did you manage a night without ANY kids?

Megan said...

Happy anniversary!!

Becky Shuler said...

GREAT picture of the two of you! Congrats! We just celebrated our 11th in November. I had forgotten that we got married so close together. Hope it was a happy day!

Megs said...

Congrats. that was a very cute post. You two have done a ton of fun things.

emblair said...

Aw, don't you two look cute! So if you guys have another kiddo, does that mean you'll have to move again to make the numbers match?!

Rachel said...

11 years and still going strong. You guys are an inspiration.

Mary Lampros said...

I love your list. I'm going to start planning things just so I can make an impressive list like that!