Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kyra's blessing

Thanks to everyone who came. We loved having you here. I did a pathetic job at picture taking so if any of you want to send me some of your pictures that would be great. Here are a few I managed to snap.

Jared with most of the kids. I was locating Amy.

Finally a family picture with all of us!

Clyde holding Kyra

Eric really enjoyed Uncle Dan and Papa Bob

The girlies

Ian and Amy trying to sneak into Daniel and Laura's car so they can go home with them

I'm going to have to redress Kyra in her blessing gown and get one of her. You think that picture would have been taken, but nope.


Carrie said...

She looked beautiful, as did you all! How are you looking so fresh and well-rested? Do you have special make-up? A trick camera lense?

Becky Shuler said...

Great pictures! It is fun to see the family ones...I agree with you...your dad and my mom look a lot alike!! :) I didn't get any good shots of Juliette by herself on her blessing day either. I waited a month and by then she could smile and I got some really adorable ones. Just do a little photo shoot later and I'm sure you'll have a few great shots.

Megs said...

She looks so pretty. I love your family pic. I sure wish we lived closer so that we could come to these things of yours. I just love you and your little family. What a happy day.

When we blessed Ellie I didn't take a single picture. She had more family and friends than anyone of our kids. I felt horrible. In fact on JJ's birthday I dressed her in her blessing dress and had everyone that came get a pic with her. It looks weird with them in street clothes and Ellie in her dress. Oh well.