Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Hide and Seek and Seek and Seek

I'm fairly certain I would have nothing interesting to say if I wasn't Ian's mother.

Today's heart stopping moment:

While I was sitting on the couch feeding Kyra, Ian heads for the front door. I tell him not to go outside in the front yard. He can go to the back yard instead. Of course Ian pays absolutely no attention to my request. Why should he? He is smart enough to know he has a 2 minute head start.

Out the door he goes.

I walk out the door to look for Ian while still nursing Kyra (oh fun). I look up one side of the street...no Ian. I look down the other side...no Ian.

Now I have a decision to make. Do I load up the 2 babies (one of which is obviously hungry) to look for Ian? Do I leave Kyra in her pack-n-play and take Amy? Do I leave Kyra in her pack-n-play AND leave Amy too hoping and praying that Amy doesn't poke Kyra's eyes out? I opt for the last one because I can move faster.

I throw on shoes and grab my cell phone. I scoured one whole side of the street with no luck and decide it is time to call in reinforcements. I figure Steph can check the park around the corner and I can check the main road our cul-de-sac butts up against.

Just as I'm dialing Steph's number, out of the corner of my eye I see a dart of orange. It has to be Ian. I run to where the flash came from, and hiding in the neighbors bushes is Ian. GIGGLING. He probably doesn't realize that the adrenaline in my system is making it hard for me to decide between beating him and hugging him. "I'm a good hider, huh Mom?" he informs me proudly.

I've now decided I hate hide-n-seek.

I pick him up and take him home because spankings don't work on Ian I remind myself. We are welcomed by 2 sets of, by the sound of things, very healthy lungs and intact eyeballs. Then I give Ian the worst punishment I could think of.

Best time out ever and probably the only thing he can't get out of, yet.

Ian swears he won't do it again and I have proof.

Amy thought it was just another game. I had to keep telling her to stop giving Ian toys. She decided to join the fun?


Elsha said...

Only Ian would require being strapped down for a time out. He sure makes your life interesting:)

Rachel said...

Best idea ever! I'll have to remember that one.

Brimaca said...

I've done that. At the airport M kept trying to run and hide so I buckled him in just like that. It works! Oh Ian. You are lucky you are so cute.

Becky Shuler said...

What a good idea. Matthew decided to play hide and seek in a department store when he was about 3. He was really quick and in just an instant, he was off. My heart just about quit beating as I couldn't see him anywhere. I tried not to have a panic attack as I frantically called his name all through the store. I found him giggling hiding under a clothing rack! I felt like you did when you found Ian - angry but at the same time just grateful to have found him! I love how you got the video of him promising not to do that again!

Megs said...

I am totally going to have to steal this one from you. Ellie escaped from me today. What is it with our kids. Only problem is she is like Houdini. She can get out of everything.

emblair said...

Love the time out...genious!! As always. :0)