I have the nose of a bloodhound when I am pregnant. I can smell things that Jared swears aren't even there. It can be extremely frustrating, but in a few situations, helpful. Today I would classify the experience as helpful. I know I'm not pregnant anymore (yay!), but it takes a bit to wear off.
Last night and this morning I kept telling Jared that there was a weird smell in the kids bathroom. It was weird because it didn't fit in any of the normal categories...bodily fluids, soaps and shampoos, and dirty clothes. I couldn't figure out what the smell was or where it was coming from.
I was about to leave the house to finally fill out Kyra's birth certificate when I decided to do a quick check of the house before we left. I went into the bathroom and smelled the smell, but I still couldn't place the smell or find the whereabouts. I happened to glance up.
I saw a roll of toilet paper on top of the light fixture. How did that end up there? There was a circle burned 3/4 of the way through the roll. I still don't know who or how it got up there. Tara said it had to be daddy because he is the only one who could reach that high. Somehow I'm thinking that might not be the case!
I'm just really glad that my house didn't burn down!
Way to go Laura! Your nose saved the day! I still have the problem of smelling things that others can't, it drives me crazy :)
yep, my money's on jared.
Laura, are you sure the nose of a bloodhound isn't a genetic thing? I say that because I'm the same way all the time, and am pretty sure that I've never been nor ever will be pregnant. I can smell when a kid sitting 4 rows up at church has a dirty diaper even before their parents can. It's definitely NOT necessarily a good trait to have!
Glad you found it Lar! And tell Jared he might want to find a better place for his personal stash of TP! Tara cracks me up!
You've gotta love Tara's logic. She has an explanation for everything! Also, I am feeling super guilty now because I STILL haven't got Kalena's official birth certificate. We just have the one from the hospital.
Wow kinda scary. One night when I was exhausted and went to bed I threw my tissue and it landed on the lamp I had just shut off. It lit on fire right in my bedroom. I had a cold and didn't smell it but started coughing and gagging eventually. I got up and went and turned the light on and saw the smoke. Caleb was obliviously playing on the computer.
Seriously, what man doesn't like his toilet paper warm. Ask David how to heat a bed. Tara is a crack up.
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