Friday, September 19, 2008

Our Temporary Pet

What was I thinking? Seriously, why would I stop the van on the way to pick up kids from school just to pick up a turtle? Somebody should have stopped me!

I tried getting the turtle to stay in the diaper bag, but half way to school, he crawled out. Yikes! By the time the kids were in the van, the turtle had lodged himself under the passenger seat. The scraping noises it was making trying to get out still give me the heebeegeebees!

I stopped at my good friend Stephanie's house and begged her 8 yr old daughter to get the turtle out. She did, thankfully. I was afraid Jared would get home from work and have to pull a dead turtle from my car! Once the turtle was out the kids were ecstatic about their new pet. What? We aren't keeping the turtle!!! I don't do pets. I have too many kids to have a pet. Try telling that to your daughter who swears she "just knew she would get a pet turtle today!"

I let Stephanie's kids come over and play with the turtle. It was promptly named Gloria, Gabriella, Turtlus, and a few more I don't remember. Look how happy all these kids are...

We let the kids keep the turtle for 2 days and then we let it go in the backyard. It quickly made its escape.

Tara with her pet

Eric with his pet

Ian with his pet


Brooke said...

Talk to Shane about bringing home pets...we've had a snake, two geckos and now we have a dove in our kitchen. He's king of bringing home pets for us to have. The dove is gone soon...I swear!

Elsha said...

When we were over Tara and Ian were talking to me about "their turtle" and I kept thinking "I didn't think the Shannons had any pets..."

Megs said...

There is a stray kitten that is at our church every single Sunday. It is killing me to leave it but Jeron says it is fine. I know that if I let down it will become ours. Emma wants it so bad. She makes up excuses to go see it when we are in our meetings. Help me stay strong. I don't want a pet either.

Katie said...

Remember our pet turtle?? He's gone now...Bob and Rex were pretty devastated.

Brimaca said...

I love turtles! I had a pet one for years but it died when I was on my mission. My mom updated me on it all the time then one day she never mentioned it. I knew then I would never see Coppell again.

Glad the kids got a few days with it and it left of it's own accord so you can't really be blamed...right?

Carrie said...

It must have been smarter than it looked! Run little turtle, run for your life!

This from the mom whose kids have accidentally killed many a small non-mammmalian critter.

Ally said...

Poor Tara. She was so sad that the turtle had run away due to your "poor fencing." SO cute!

emblair said...

You can tell they were loving every minute of it! And "poor fencing," now that's genious!

emblair said...
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