Monday, June 30, 2008

Super Girl

Faster than her brothers.
More powerful than a solid wood chair.
Able to avoid paying for it in a single bound.

Look! Up in the sky!
It's a bird. It's a plane. It's Super Girl!

I know you are wondering how a little 40lb girl can break a solid wood chair into 2 pieces. To be honest I wondered the same thing. Tara has been leaning back in her chair, on her stool, and on anything else that she can with repeated warnings from her dad. He kept telling her that she was going to loose her balance, fall, and break something.

The other night she was leaning back in the chair, lost her balance, and fell. This time as she fell, the chair hit the window seal behind her and the chair snapped. Boy did Tara cry! She was so scared. I felt so sorry for her fear that I didn't do anything but hug her. When she calmed down, I told her that she would have to help pay to replace the chair. Wow, you would have thought SHE was hurt when I told her that. She cried and screamed and said how it wasn't her fault the chair broke. I nearly laughed at her then! It was an accident she explained. I told her I knew it was an accident, but she caused it and there were consequences. She suggested that she just sit on the broken chair and that would be consequence enough. Nice try she has to do that anyway until the new chair is delivered!

The next weekend we made a trip to the furniture store, and found out that the ten year warranty was still in affect (by 8 months). Tara is one lucky kid. The chair gets replaced for free (for Mom and Dad) and Tara is only having to do chores to earn a pittance of what we originally thought the chair would cost. The sales man was shocked, really you should have seen his face when he learned that my feather-weight, Tara, was the one who broke it!


Megs said...

I am just glad it was the chair and not her head. That was a hard impact. Good parenting! Lessons need to be learned even if it makes us the bad guy. I laugh at my kids when they say "NO FAIR". We now have a "No Fair" job that has to be done when they say that.

emblair said...

That reminds me of when you broke the kitchen clock in Corpus because you were climbing up the arch doorway (like we all did) and you had to buy a new one. So does Tara realize how lucky she is that the warranty was still in affect?!

Brian said...

Actually Em, I think that it was in Edmond, but if I remember right Laura may have broken it again in Corpus! : ) Anyways Laura, slap a big gold S on Tara and give that girl a cape!