Thursday, June 26, 2008

What we do almost everyday

If you can't seem to get a hold of us on a weekday afternoon we are probably at the pool. It has been so nice to have an easy afternoon activity that really wears the kids out (even if if wears me out too)!

The pictures aren't the best. Asking the kids to look at me long enough to snap a picture was like asking them not to breathe! It wasn't easy making sure Amy didn't drown at the same either! I think it is funny that I couldn't get Ian to look at me and that Amy is actually still holding her cracker in the pool. I bet if the lifeguards saw that I would be kicked right out!

Here you go...some pictures of my little brown bears!


Elsha said...

I wish I was spending my afternoons at the pool! Then maybe my legs would be off-white instead of pasty white:) Also, we'll come over whenever you want us to-- we pretty much just haul the baby around wherever we go these days.

Rachel said...

Ahh, Summertime! I remember the good old days when my hair would turn green from the chlorine. Maybe someday they'll build our community pool, so we can enjoy it as much as you guys.

Maren said...

Man... I wish that was what I did everyday. I love being in the pool.

Megs said...

ditto that...we spend a lot of time in water. My nerves are shot by the end of the pool trip. Ellie and Elsie make me nervous. Water with Ellie and Sun with Elsie. We will figure it out and then the pool will close. Maybe next season I won't feel so OUT OF CONTROL!

Dianne said...

How I miss having a pool right there at the apartments. Right now we are just settling for kiddy pools. Someday I'll be brave enough to take both girls swimming in the big pool here.

emblair said...

Man, even Amy is more brave than Molly in the pool. At least I've gotten her to play while sitting on the first step this summer. Now that crazy June is done and over with hopefully I can get her more comfortable in the water. Glad your kids are having a fun summer!