Monday, June 9, 2008

Number 1

So tonight we were reading scriptures together and studying about Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. It talks about how the people throw their clothes down on the ground for Jesus' donkey to walk on and how they waved palm leaves.

Tara stopped the reading to inform us that they had to wave palm leaves because "they didn't have those foam hands with the finger sticking up back in the old days."

How irreverant is the idea of holding up foam fingers for the Savior's entry?


Daniel said...

Oh man...I can't stop laughing. At least the foam hands are less irreverant than a tailgate party, body painting, or something similar...
I'll never look at a foam finger the same. I guess we traded laughs this time.

Megan said...

HAHA! That is so funny!

Dianne said...

Tell Tara thanks for the laugh!! That was great.

Katie said...

I knew those foam fingers were more useful than just for sporting events! :) so cute.

emblair said...

Sweeeet! I just LOVE Tara!!!!

Julie said...

I'm sure there are some sports fans out there who consider the foam finger a symbol of reverence in it's own right...Very cute story, thanks for the morning laugh!

Karen S. said...

I don't think it's irreverant at all. If Jesus isn't #1, I'm not sure who is!

Megs said...

Really...I always thought that would be what I wave. JK Oh she is hilarious...I really with that we lived by each other so that I could have her make me laugh all the time.

The Stringers said...

Okay, laughed out loud on that one. She is soooo funny!

Ally said...

Too funny!