Friday, March 4, 2011


We are currently working to get a child to sleep through the night without a pull-up. I'm all about rewarding for positive behaviors, so we set up a plan. 10 days (in a row) accident free and I'll buy them any toy/thing/treat they want that costs $10.99 or less (the cost of a package of pull-ups)

On day four with no accidents at all, I was singing the praises of this child. Why hadn't we tried this sooner? It is working so well. We are almost half way there without a single restart! That's when another child asked to speak to me in private, and I was told the following...

Mom, you know that so-in-so just puts on a new clean pull-up in the morning before you check, right? The yucky pee ones they just put in the trash can.

I've been duped!


Elsha said...

Just get some of the escape-proof pjs like we put Kalena in. That way there's no way to change the pull up without your help!

And, you know, good thing one of your kids knows the value of truth:)

Jill said...

Your child is an evil genius! P.S. Sometimes the stories you tell about your kids are so funny that it almost makes me think I need to have five of my own... Then Rowan refuses to nap one day, and I realize I may just have to stop at two.

emblair said...

Doh! That's so completely awesome! But at least you know someone's got your back...

Danielle said...

Oh my, that is so funny! I am trying to figure out which child played what role.

Brooke said...

Wow! I totally get the waking up wet issue, we've dealt with that, solving it is a completely different monster, good luck! :)

Sarah said...

That is such a fantastic story. Don't you wonder how they can come up with such devious ideas at a young age?

Megs said...

BRILLIANT! I love that you have a confidant. That will come in handy when they need a watchful eye.

Stacey said...

oh my cow!!!

Nathan said...

How discreet! I'm impressed that your informant asked to speak to you "in private."

Brimaca said...

Wow! So smart!

Kristen Shannon Kellum said...

Tattle tail!! Smart kid though. Gotta love em