Monday, February 28, 2011


Tara won 1st place in the 4th Grade Reflections Contest with her entry in literature. The theme was "together we can." She wrote a story about two whales talking about the dangers of pollution and how together we can stop pollution and keep the oceans clean.

I'm so proud of my little budding writer/conservationist. She's super excited because the prize was a trophy and 20 bucks to spend at the school's book fair. That's the best gift you could give this girl, more reading material.


MaryAnn said...

Congrats to Tara! I'm proud of her.

Elsha said...

Congrats Tara!

Megs said...

WAY TO GO TARA!! That is an amazing accomplishment and something you can always be proud of.

wigglerbug said...

So what books did she end up with?

Katie said...

What an accomplishment!! That's awesome.

Stacey said...

Whata go Tara!

Dianne said...

Tara, you are amazing!! What a wonderful young lady you are becoming. I'm so excited to hear all the great things you'll accomplish.