Monday, February 21, 2011

The Party

Amy wanted to have a cooking party. Makes sense. I can't move around in the kitchen without her attached at the hip.

We made cookies together

Iced and decorated cupcakes

Sang happy birthday and blew out candles

Ate cake

Played with playdoh

It was a perfect end to our birthday celebration.


Elsha said...

Looks like fun!

Brooke said...

So, you're going to host and plan my kids' birthday parties for this year...right?!?

Stacey said...

Whata celbration!

Sarah said...

What a fun party idea. You are such a good mama. It looks like everyone had a good time and ate plenty of sugar. (That's makes for the best parties)

Cassie said...

LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing:) I'm so glad Lydia and Amy are buds.

grammawood said...

It looks like Amy and her friends had a lot of fun.

Megs said...

So fun. It is about to start at our house. 3 of the 4 in the next 3 weeks.

emblair said...

Successful party...yay!! Looks like all the kids had lots of fun. And Amy's hair sure is growing it good. Took me by surprise!