Thursday, February 24, 2011

Male Chauvinism is Alive and Well

We have several mantras that we repeat regularly with the kids.

A Man's Job
1. work hard
2. take care of girls
3. teach the gospel

A Woman's Job
1. work hard
2. take care of families
3. teach the gospel

And Tara's least favorite (mine too, but I'm a supportive spouse)...

A lady is quiet and calm.

When Tara yelled across the dinner table for the umpteenth time, Jared reminded her again that a lady is quiet and calm.

Tara gave a herumpf and said, "but Dad if I am quiet and calm, I can't have any fun." Without missing a beat, Eric replied, "you can have fun sewing and cooking."

Yep, that conversation ended well.


Stacey said...

OMG love this!

grammawood said...

But I do love sewing and cooking! Just let someone else do the cleaning.

Megs said...

barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen will be his next comment. I don't love quiet and calm either. I am not a feminist but I don't like that one.

Sarah said...

LOL...i love your kids. this is great.