Saturday, July 16, 2011

Trampoline Sleepover

The kids begged and begged to please, pretty please with a cherry on top, be able to sleep on the trampoline. It took a couple of tries, but they finally wore us down to a yes. Not that we really cared one way or the other, it is just funny to hear them beg. (Plus Jared told them they could only sleep on the tramp if they were totally quiet for 10minutes. It was nice to have a quiet discussion with Jared.)

At 9:20 when it was finally dark
we laid the kids out on the trampoline to snickering and flashlight shining.

At 9:31 Kyra came in because she was scared
At 9:45 Amy wanted in too

Then we heard giggling and story-telling for an hour

At 10:30 Ian gave up. Eric wanted to come in too, but Tara worked hard to convince him to stay
At 11:05 Eric came in
At 11:10 Tara did too

They had a great sleepover in their own beds...inside.


Daniel said...

Laura and I both got a good chuckle out of this one.

Elsha said...

As someone who has slept on a trampoline more than once I can say-- it's not as fun as it seems like it should be.

Brooke said...

It's funny how things like that always end up pretty much the same way... :)

Stacey said...

haha, thats funny!

The Stringers said...

Ha! I remember doing that at your house growing up...

Brimaca said...

ha ha ha he he he!