Friday, June 10, 2011

White Elephant Exchange: Shannon Family Reunion

We ended the family reunion with a white elephant gift exchange. It is always fun to see what things turn up and who wants what.

I think that Uncle Michael gets the award for best sport. Ian picked a present that turned out to be a bunch of VHS chic flicks. He burst into tears because he didn't get the "white elephant" part of the gift exchange. Michael promptly stole Ian's present, so Ian picked again and with some directing from Great-Aunt Sharon ended up with this super cool stuffed scorpion that hasn't left his side since. Thank you Michael for your kindness and generosity. It sure helped a lot.

Great-Aunt Sharon got an isolation kit, courtesy of our medically trained family members. She looked great in it too.

Eric hit the mother lode with Grandpa Clyde's mission camera. It is a very neat piece of family history that has been passed from grandpa to first grandson. We'll keep it forever. I think the explaination/instruction time was just as special.

The funniest part of the whole game (for me at least) was when Kyra opened up her present to find a clock that was a wedding gift to Jared and I that we had passed on to Kristen, who left it at Linda's, who gave it to Brent and Tamara to give in the gift exchange.


Anonymous said...

i think that clock spent some time at our house, before Kallie was must be quite the clock!

Brimaca said...

I loved catching up on your blog. I'm terrified for the hair thing. I love Lib's hair. I keep praying she continues to love it too. She's already cut her dolls hair so it's probably only a matter of time.

Becky Shuler said...

The clock story is hilarious! Guess it is just meant to be that the clock resides in your home! The white elephant gift game sounds like a fun thing to do at a family reunion! I love how Eric got the mission camera. Cool.

emblair said...

Every kid needs an Uncle Michael.