Monday, June 13, 2011

Phone Etiquette

At the end of the school year, Eric's class got to sign every one's journals. For some reason Eric signed his name and MY CELL phone number in his friends' journals. Why he didn't pass out the home phone number, I have NO idea.

Turns out he gave his my cell number to a girl in his class who is a chatter. She has called three times already and that is almost unbearable for Eric because he gets a lot and I mean A LOT of teasing from his siblings each time he gets a call.

I got another phone call from her this morning. When I told Eric, "Hannah's on the phone," his response was, "again?" I handed the phone to him and he said, "Why are you calling me again?" No 'hello' or 'hi, how ya doing'. Oh, man! I've got to teach him some etiquette...and when to give out a phone number.

They talked about what they are doing and this girl MUST like Eric because their conversation lasted 30minutes and they only talked about Eric's lego collection...and listened to Ian yelling "Eric Loves Hannah!" and Eric denying it vehemently.


Elsha said...

I'm pretty sure boys don't get any better about the phone etiquette. I remember a girl who used to call one of my brothers like every night (when he was in high school) even though he had a girlfriend. Then one day my other brother answered and when he realized who it was he said, "why do you keep calling here? He doesn't like you." And she NEVER called again.

Mardi said...

Who wouldn't like Eric...I mean I still do. :)

Becky Shuler said...

Wow. You are too kind. I would politely ask the girl to use the home phone number. I agree with Mardi's comment - who wouldn't like Eric? He's such a handsome guy!

Tamara said...

I said the SAME thing when Brent kept calling me! ...why not just text. sheesh! This was SO funny-I loved it! :)

Brimaca said...

Oh no!!! He he. I would have loved it if this happened to my older brother who tortured me my whole life.

emblair said...

I would have had to use great restraint to not bust out in K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!!

Megs said...

I'm with Emily. That is hilarious. I would love to watch him struggle with that one. Ha, girls...get use to it buddy, you are a cutie.