Thursday, June 9, 2011

Memorial Day: Shannon Family Reunion

Memorial Day is such a special day. About so much more than shopping and a day off work. I am proud to have grandparents who sacrificed their innocence and youth to serve our country. I want my children to understand the importance of their sacrifice and the sacrifice of others who served our country. We spent the morning of Memorial Day at a service honoring veterans.

Please look at my children and be very, very jealous. They were practically angels during the entire program. Please also assume it is my awesome parenting that is causing the angelicness...not the mini notebooks from Target's dollar section. (Best $5 bucks I've ever spent.)

This man offered to let Eric enlist. I told him Eric wasn't ready yet, so he offered to let me sign up with Eric. Even that seemed less than desirable. Do you realize that he is a mere ten years from draft age?

Great-Grandpa Bill Shannon served in the Navy during WWII...still living

Great-Grandpa Cecil Trull served in the Navy in WWII...still living

Great-Grandpa Garner Meads served in the Army in WWII...deceased

I just want to say thank you to these wonderful, wonderful men!


Becky Shuler said...

Loved this post. I think it is wonderful to pay tribute to your grandpa's who served for our country.
Great idea to buy the notebooks to help keep your kids quiet during the program. You are one smart Mama!

Megs said...

I love that picture of Granddaddy. Wow, it made me really miss him.

Nice post.

grammawood said...

I'm impressed. Too bad more people don't teach their children about why we have Memorial Day and how much we owe to our military. Kudos to you.

emblair said...

Oh my goodness...that picture of Granddaddy totally made me do a double take. I just love that simple little smile of his.

And look at tiny!