Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Eric's Baptism

As parents, occasionally we have moments that allow us to reflect on how our children are growing, learning, and maturing. When I look at this picture, I think how Eric is so confident. He knows so much about himself. He has very clear views of right and wrong which gives him confidence. He has always been attracted to truth. He can recognize it easily.

It was natural for him to decide to be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He just felt it was the right thing to do. It was very special to have this important day on Easter.

After he was baptized, I asked him how he felt. I was expecting him to comment on how good he felt, happy, etc. Instead he surprised me with this, "Mom, I feel the same as always." I was a bit surprised and so I prodded more. "I feel the same way I always do. You always feel good when you do what is right," he answered. In that moment I was humbled to be trusted with a child so close to the spirit and intent on doing and being good. What a blessing he is in our home. A constant example of goodness.

This is such an Eric face.

Eric and his Dad

We are very proud parents

Jared's Family
(try taking a group picture with kids hyped up on Easter candy
and at church for the 2nd time in one day.)

Laura's Family


Danielle said...

You have such a sweet little guy! I love the family pictures, especially Tara. Miss you guys!!

Megs said...

I love baptism days. Congrats bud. That is an wonderful decision that you have made. The church will enrich your life and bless you. The Holy Ghost really is the greatest gift you will ever receive.

emblair said...

Oh how I wish I could have been there. And tell Eric he's totally rocking that suit. Such a stud. And forever an example to us all.

Mardi said...

That makes me teary-eyed. What an awesome guy! I can see Elder Shannon in that suit.

Becky Shuler said...

Thanks for posting these, Laura. I love baptism pictures. Eric is so handsome and I know you are very proud of him. So glad your parents were there for his special day.

grammawood said...

The black and white picture just looks like it was taken a generation ago. What a sweet boy you have. You have every right to be proud. The Shannon family photo is a hoot. So glad both sets of grandparents could be there.

Stacey said...

Love all the pictures!!! I feel blessed just by knowing your family;)