Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easter Sunday

What a glorious day! It was beautiful. Unlike our attempts at a family picture. They all look like this...

So I gave up and a few days later made everyone dress up again for round two. Not much better. It is impossible to get all of us to look good at the same time.

Happy Easter, anyway.


Becky Shuler said...

I think your round 2 shot turned out pretty well! Good for you for trying! We have to bribe our kids to cooperate and smile when taking family pictures. I taped candy to the tripod for our Easter family pictures this year. Worked like a charm. Except the Milky Ways got all gooey and melted because it was so hot outside!!! :) But the kids looked at the candy and smiled.

Megs said...

You look wonderful. I actually love the pics where the kids are being "real". BTW, your comments about Eric made me cry. He sounds like a wonderful boy.

emblair said...

Jeremy's comment: "Wow, you two really are sisters."

grammawood said...

You look great in all of the shots, Laura, and like Becky, I think that 2nd shot is adorable.

Katie said...

What a great looking bunch!