Friday, April 8, 2011

Cooking Club

Over the last year Tara's had 3 best friends move away. It's hard to make new friends, and so together she and I developed a plan. She could pick 5 girls that she wanted to make friends with and invite them to our home to be a part of her Cooking Club.

Every other Friday (sometimes every Friday like when one girl convinced her family, "It's this week! I promise!" She stayed and we whipped up a chocolate pie so she wouldn't go home empty handed) Tara and her five friends storm my kitchen and make food to take home to their families. I set out the ingredients, help interpret the recipe like the difference between tsp and Tbsp, and remind them how many scoops of flour they are actually on. I've even had to explain how to scoop flour. We've done cinnamon rolls, chocolate chip brownies, banana bread, and dinner rolls. It has been really fun to see them create yummy food, and gain confidence in their cooking abilities. It has been hard to relinquish control to them because I don't mix, measure, or pour. Even when I really, really want to.

I do clean up though which is not nearly as much fun, but the girls enjoy playing with each other while I do it. I figure it is a small price to pay for Tara to create new friendships.

I think it's working.


Daniel said...

That's a great idea! I am in awe. Honestly. I have a hard time letting Laura take over the kitchen. I can only imagine how difficult it would be to let 5 or 6 pre-teen girls take over.

Elsha said...

Sounds like an excellent plan. And it looks like fun!

emblair said...

Can I get an invite to the cooking club?? I need all the help I can get. ;) And I'll even clean up after myself...

Dianne said...

That's a fabulous idea and I may just steal it if you don't mind. :)

Sarah said...

So fun! I think it is working too. You are a great mom.

Stacey said...

WOW!!! Whata a wonderful mother you are!

Becky Shuler said...

Laura, you never cease to amaze! You are such an awesome Mom! What a genius idea! I want to come learn how to make your cinammon rolls! Tara is lucky to be your daughter.

Erin said...

You are so brave to let them do it all themselves. I think I would let them do the cleaning up too!

Tamara said...

I agree with would be hard for me to relinquish control too. You really are an awesome mom! (I'm taking notes!)

Megs said...

You are one brilliant mother. That is the cutest idea EVER! I don't think I would have the patience to let the girls do what they want. You really impress me.

grammawood said...

Laura, that is so sweet! What a fun idea. But you really should have them learn to clean up, even if you have to do it again after they leave.
PS Does Tara have Achievement Days?

Julie said...

Best mom ever!! Tara is a lucky girl!