Thursday, March 24, 2011


After hanging out at the cabin for a day, we went to enjoy the high speed excitement of snow tubing.

Getting lift tickets on

As always, Tara was very timid and afraid to do something new. She was sure she would fall off the mountain (which was really just a big hill) It took most of the day to convince her she was having fun. Then she was wanting to stay longer.

Tara getting another pep talk

I really only saw Eric when he was riding the "lift" to the top. When I was a teenager and my family would go skiing together, my dad would count how many runs we did and then divide the cost of our lift tickets by how many runs we completed to figure out how expensive the trip really was. I was never a fast skier and my numbers were never very impressive, but Eric would have made his Papa Bob proud with his average.

Ian catching some air

Amy is a lot like her fear.
She was happy to hop into a tube and slide down the mountain again and again.

Kyra had the hardest time because she still wasn't feeling well.
She did enjoy building a snowman out of the artificial snow that felt more like Sonic ice.

Emily, I finally blogged it like I promised I would. :)


Sarah said...

I love Amy's face in her picture. That girl is so fun!

Anonymous said...

so funny that you are all decked out in snow gear, and wearing sweaters and no gloves! looks like fun, but we have had enough snow around here, with more promised this weekend!

Megs said...

How fun. I am glad that you guys did this. Honestly, hills are much better for sledding than mountains. Mountains are soooo FAST. I fear for my kids every time they go down. On a hill it is just endless fun.

emblair said...

Molly and Tara have a lot in common.

Glad you had a fun trip!! Even more glad you have a friend with a prescription pad. :)