Friday, March 25, 2011

Lost Tooth

One month before he turned eight years old, he finally lost a tooth. There was no fanfare or drama. He just announced from the back seat of the car, "hey Mom, I just lost my tooth."

He was really, really excited to finally have a visit from the tooth fairy.


Stacey said...

YAY!! So glad he finally lost his tooth!

Brimaca said...

Yay for Eric!

Megs said...

And look the new tooth is already there. JJ is like that.

Jaimie said...

Great! Now he has extra money for birthday stuff! :)

Sarah said...

Woo-hoo! I used to love visits from the tooth fairy.

emblair said...

No way...was this his first tooth?? I didn't realize that. Tell him I can relate...I was so bummed in elementary school that I never got to put a tooth up on the tooth board. And by the time I lost my first tooth, losing your first tooth was such old news that they didn't have a tooth board anymore. I still feel jipped!

grammawood said...

Congratulations Eric. You, Emily, and I must have the same genetic code. I didn't lose my first tooth until towards the end of 2nd grade, and I lost one at girl's camp, but I think Mary has us beat. She lost one in College!