Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Life Lesson

Amy just turned 4 years old. It is hard to believe that much time has past. She teaches me things all the time, but her speedy arrival has been a blessing from the very beginning.

I knew Amy was going to come, I just didn't think it would happen so fast. I hadn't had a single contraction in 3 hours, so I went to pick up Tara from school even though Jared told me not to and other people had offered to do it. I didn't want to inconvenience anyone. It would just be easier to do it myself. But on the way home from the school (15 minutes away) my water broke and those huge every 2 minute contractions started. I made it around the corner from my house when I couldn't drive any further. I called a friend to come get the kids and 911 to send an ambulance. Amy was born at the park, one street away from the house, a whooping 20 minutes after my contractions started.

That day I learned a very important life lesson. I learned that people will put their life on hold, literally drop everything, if you need them. Family, friends, acquaintances, and strangers all stopped what they were doing to make sure Amy made it safely into this world. I am forever grateful to a friend who nearly delivered my baby and the paramedics who did.

I am grateful to have learned that accepting someone's help doesn't make you weak. On the contrary, it makes you stronger. It gives you skills of grace and appreciation. It allows you to get closer to others and feel their love for you. It has taught me how better to give service as well.

Thank you Amy for another life lesson.


Elsha said...

That is a great picture of you guys. And I know I keep saying this, but how has it been 4 years already?!

Stacey said...

HOLY COW!!!! I had know idea, what a life lesson! And I thought my 3 hour labors were quick!

Sarah said...

Great story. You sound a lot like me. I have a hard time letting others help me but here lately I have been learning the same lesson. Thanks for sharing this.

Katie said...

Call me hormonal, but I totally got choked up reading this...so special!

grammawood said...

I'm so glad you got a picture with the paramedics! Laura, you are right. The longer I am alive the more I realize that it is just as important to let people serve you as it is to serve them; that is a great life lesson.

Megs said...

What a sweet post. You are blessed to have such wonderful friends and family. Plus, each of them know you would do the exact same thing.

emblair said...

So glad Amy made it here safe and sound. And glad people were around to take care of you too! Love ya.

Mardi said...

Wow - I lived there for that. It's really been 4 years? Holy cow. And Tara was in my Primary class - she is so big now!