Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Do You Spend Your Big Bucks?

When kids are good at their elementary school, they earn bucks. You can earn bucks for being quiet, kind to others or finishing work on time. The kids had their Big Bucks store today. That's when they get to go spend their hard earned money on dollar store junk. It isn't my favorite day, but the kids love it.

The boys came home yesterday with their treasures. Eric and Ian had both chosen a digital watch. Eric was announcing the time every three minutes. Literally. 3:40, 3:43, 3:46 and all's well!

Ian was disgusted that his cheap watch wasn't working and Eric's was.

"Mom," he hissed, "I know why they do the Big Bucks store. They just want us to be..." he paused for effect "GOOD."

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Allison comes home with lil junky stuff too!! I always trash after a week, she never notices! Your kids are such characters!