Friday, December 3, 2010

Carol of Lights 2010

It is a Texas Tech Tradition. It is also a Shannon Family Tradition. The first weekend in December we head up to Lubbock and watch the campus transform into a glow of red, orange, and white lights. It means the start of Christmas. I love snuggling up with my kids and nieces and nephews, seeing my brother and sister in laws, and hearing Mannheim Steamroller pulse through the speakers.

Oh the fun.

I always make sure to have some kind of snack to pass around because that's how you get nieces and nephews to like you...oh and bring extra flashlights to play with while you walk across the campus in the dark. They like you for that too because flashlights are fun to play with.

see, fruit snacks and massive pixie sticks and crying/upset kids.
Hold on, need to get more candy...

So much fun I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer!

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