Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sanity Savers #1

There are a few tricks of the mothering trade that I have learned over the years. I use them frequently to make my life easier.

Trick #1 Flip-Flops

I have three pairs of flip-flops that always stay in the car. The big size (Tara/Eric) the medium size (Ian/Amy) and the small size (Amy/Kyra). They are gender neutral colors like brown/red/navy, and they have saved the day many, many times.

Like today when everyone loaded into the car and we pulled into Target's parking lot and 2 kids announced they forgot shoes. I didn't have to rehearse the how-did-you-forget-your-shoes lecture, flip out or buy new ones. I just pulled out the appropriate size for each of the offending kids and into the store we went.

Crisis averted and sanity saved.

Now, just don't asked me how the actual shopping part went because I would have to answer honestly. The honest answer would include retelling the part about how Ian likes to kick his flip-flops into the air and one time he got so much air that one shoe landed on top of the ice cream freezers. I had to find a chair and climb up to get it because it was my sanity flip-flop for crying out loud and I can't loose that!


Sarah said...

My only response is laughter. Lots of it. Bless you!

Becky Shuler said...

So funny! What a great idea! I love flip-flops! And I would have been too embarrassed to get help to retrieve the flying flip-flop too!

Camilla said...

love it!! i need to put some in my car. i went to the dollar store with theo and arthur the other day. got there and theo had no shoes. so i went in anyways.. and made him sit in the cart. but it hurts to lift him, so people were giving me weird looks as i coached my sholess child on how to climb into the cart by himself.

Sarah said...

Way to go! I am proud of your for rescuing your "sanity flip-flop". You are awesome. Oh I will be at my mom's at the end of December and some of January. We really should try to hang out.

The Stringers said...

Love it! Having scrounged for and come up with 2 different shoes for a kid, I am following your advice!!

Steph said...

Your van is a treasure trove of useful objects! I always know if I need something, go to Laura's van!

Megs said...

We basically do the same thing. My kids just leave everything in the car, so there is always a pair of shoes, jacket, blanket, toys, even left over food. We call that food storage. You are just more organized in your approach. Hahahaha I think I might try that way instead.

Brimaca said...

You are the most prepared person I have ever met.