Monday, November 29, 2010

Amy's favorite movie is Lady and the Tramp. She would watch it everyday if I let her. I use the movie viewing privilege as an incentive for her to get some chores done. So when she asked to watch Lady again, I said sure if she'd pick her toys off the living room floor first. "Mom, you do it please." No, Amy, I'm holding Kyra and she just fell asleep so I have to hold her for a minute before I can lay her down. Amy turned and looked at the messy floor for a minute and looked back at me and said, "Mom, how bout I hold Kyra and you clean the living room?"

I turned her offer down because holding a sleeping baby is one of the best parts of parenting.


Stacey said...

how peaceful;)

Sarah said...

Yes it is. What a wonderful picture of you two. Precious!

Megs said...

Laura, you are beautiful.

Sleeping babies are a piece of heaven.

emblair said...

I totally missed out. Molly would NEVER fall asleep in my arms and would ALWAYS wake up when being carried in from the car. Little stinker.

Carrie said...

That's so sweet! She's totally figured it out; holding babies is way better than doing chores!

Erin said...

Love that sweet picture. That is my favorite part of being a mom too.

grammawood said...

So sweet, Laura. You both are just beautiful.

Brimaca said...

So true. I just made Caleb wipe down the kitchen table so I could have a few more minutes holding my little guy.