Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Skinny Arms

It's fun to tease with the kids. I do it frequently because it usually ends in laughter.

Me: Eric, look at your skinny arms.

Eric: They've been like that my whole life.

Me: I know.

Eric: It is just that I don't work out.


Brimaca said...

Ha ha!

Brooke said...

I'm going to edit the header, I'll add the text of your title and description and shrink it...Did you like the photos?

Daniel said...

I have never been able to get rid of my skinny arms...but then again, I don't work out. I can't wait to see everyone at Thanksgiving.

Megs said...

I use to have skinny arms. Dang, I miss those. Hehehe.

Tell Eric some day he will have huge muscles.

emblair said...

Hey Eric...how about you and I not work out together!