Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Kyra and the Butterfly book

One thing I've always admired about Jared is his determination to have a good relationship with his grandparents. When he was in Jr. High he would stop at his grandparents' house on the way home to visit and share stories. I never had this opportunity growing up and it baffled me a bit.

When I came into the family, I began to understand why he enjoyed this time so much. Granddaddy can tell stories better than anyone. If you need a laugh, to be shocked, mesmerized, or entertained in anyway, visit with Granddaddy for a few minutes.

One story that Granddaddy shares is about his journey as a grandparent. He had taken barely 2 year old Jared outside and pointed out a butterfly. Jared mimicked Granddaddy and said, "utterfly". You can see and hear the love he has for Jared every time he tells that story. He always mentions how smart Jared is, etc.

For Kyra's birthday she got a butterfly book. She points to each butterfly and says with conviction, "utterfly"

It makes me think of Granddaddy and his wonderful stories.


Becky Shuler said...

What a sweet story! That is awesome how blessed Jared was to be able to visit his grandparents so often. I missed out on that experience myself too. I'm grateful my kids have one set of grandparents down the street and that the other set makes the effort to stay close.

emblair said...

Just one more way for Kyra to keep herself wrapped around Daddy's finger, huh!

Megs said...

Ah, that brought a tear to my eye. So cute. I love when you see you husband in your children.