Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Et tu

Mom: Kyra, guess what?

Kyra: What?

Mom: I love you.

Kyra; Et tu.

She's a genius...speaking Latin at two years old. One day she might just..., and then my daydream evaporated because of this.

Kyra: Mom, guess what?

Mom: What?

Kyra: ch butt (chicken butt.)


christina said...

I've got one with a potty mouth too. It's too bad we're not supposed to laugh at that stuff.


Sarah said...

LOL...very cute conversation!

Jaimie said...

You can tell she has older siblings alright! :) My sweet Hannah does that to me all the time, looks can sure be decieving!

Brimaca said...

Ha ha! Love it!

Becky Shuler said...

very funny! :)

Megs said...

Ha, I love it.