Sunday, July 25, 2010

Ian the Entomologist

Ian has an obsession with bugs. I'm not overstating this in any way. Let me prove my point.

We took the kids to a zoo in OKC while visiting my parents. We were all amazed at the animals and enjoyed the sights. We were pointing out the rhinos to the kids when Ian inhaled deeply, pointed toward the animal and exclaimed, "Look over there. It is awesome."

We told him that we were already looking at the rhinos and that we knew they were cool. "No, not the rhinos," he dismissed "that butterfly right by it."

Imagine his utter joy when we found this while on a hike in the Wichita Mountains.

I've never seen so many lady bugs in one place. They were everywhere. Ian was in hog heaven.


Megs said...

I don't know which freaks me out more the mohawk or the bugs all over him. Haha. I love ladybugs but not that many.

christina said...

He and my B would be great friends. She LOVES bugs. Except for bees... which I find a little ironic. Did I use that word right?


emblair said...

DUDE. That's a whole lotta lady bugs!!

Katie said...

That is seriously a TON of lady bugs!! How cool...

Carrie said...

Wait a second. Is that a mohawk?!

Carrie said...
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Brimaca said...

I love lady bugs but any bugs in large number kinda freak me out.

Ian is awesome.