Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Love what you got

I made a treat for my kids...cinnamon rolls. The aroma filled the house and as soon as the kids walked through the door they knew what was waiting for them.

Tara gave me a treat when she said, "Mom, thank you. You might not take us to get Sonic slushes and ice cream all the time like so-and-so's mom, but she doesn't make cinnamon rolls."


Carrie said...

Cinnamon rolls.....you'd be my favorite mom too if you made me some! (Sorry, Mom!)

Megs said...

My kids would compare me to you if they knew you better

Tiffani and Nate said...

Hmmm . . . wonder who so-and-so is? ;)
We are all wonderful mothers in or own unique way!

Steph said...

So and so's mom tried cinnamon rolls once. They were a disaster! She would rather mooch off her wonderful, baking queen of a friend.;)

emblair said...

I think I'd pick cinnamon rolls over slushes too. Yummm!