Friday, April 30, 2010

Ears Pierced

When I was in elementary school, I wanted my ears pierced so bad! My family's rule was not until you're 12. When you're 9 years old, 12 seems like practically a grown-up. I just couldn't wait that long, so I pierced my ears myself.

Yes, you read that right.

I spent the night at a friend's house and used a pair of her earrings to dig through my earlobe one layer of skin at a time. It hurt so bad, but I was determined. Very determined. When I got home from my slumber party, my mom saw the earrings and I had to take them out, grow them back, and wash windows on a farm for a couple of Saturdays to show I could be responsible. It wasn't at all what I had envisioned getting my ears pierced would be.

Now I'm a grown-up with daughters of my own. I didn't want them to want something so bad they made a dumb decision, so our rule about ear piercing is you have to be mature enough to get them pierced without crying and be able to manage the up keep alone.

This weekend while we were visiting family, Tara decided she was big enough to do this (as long as her cousin Kallie did it with her)

Before, and very nervous

After and so excited she might jump out of her skin

Jared told Tara that she was all grown up now that she has earrings and Tara replied in the I-can't-believe-I have-to-explain-this-to-you voice, "Dad, I'm not all grown-up. I'm not even 10 yet!"

The best part for me was as we were getting into the car to go home. Tara was talking to Kallie and said, "I feel so pretty."

That's what getting your ears pierced is all about.


Daniel said...

where are the pictures?

Daniel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
larshannon said...

Daniel, you are too fast. I published before I attached on accident. Now it's done.

Elsha said...

Our rule was age 12 too and I asked my mom EVERY SINGLE DAY after my birthday until she finally took me (like 6 days later.) I haven't decided what rule I'll use yet.

Becky Shuler said...

We had the 12 year old rule too. I did mine at the mall with a friend and my mom wasn't too thrilled about it when I got home. I love wearing ear rings, and they make me feel pretty too. Tara is gorgeous with or without the ear rings but I'm happy she likes them. :)

ManDee and Scott Laing said...

That's awesome! I remember having the pierce my ears twice since the first time I had to let my ears heal since they kept getting infected. And Tara is right so does look pretty!!

Katie said...

So pretty!

Brimaca said...

My dad's rule was I had to ask for them. So my mom coaxed me when I was two and I asked my dad. He wasn't happy, but I had asked. So mine were pierced when I was two. My mom wants me to pierce Lib's but I think we'll wait. :)

emblair said...

Haha, I remember the self-piercing story well, but I'd forgotten about the punishment of washing windows on a farm. I got to tag along and search for beautiful peacock feathers while you were busy working away. Sorry about that...looking back, maybe I should have helped!

Tell Tara she looks beautiful! And little studs are my top pick everyday. Hmmm, I think I know what I'll have to add to Tara's bday present this year!!

emblair said...

Hey Lar...super cute cut, btw!!

Megs said...

Wow, you pierced your own ears huh. That is impressive. I am glad that Tara did not have to go through that one. I was 12 when I got mine though. It felt like forever and a day. I decided that my girls will at least be 8. After all that is when Heavenly Father feels you are accountable.

Megs said...

BTW Tara looks darling in earrings. I love it.

Dianne said...

I did the SAME THING!! Except my Mom's rule was 16, so I pierced mine during CHURCH at 14 with regular earrings! I know, completely ridiculous and painful. The holes aren't quite straight to this day. I, too, will have a earrings rule similar to yours. The things we do....

Julie said...

Why is it such a big deal? I remember the day I got my ears pierced, as well as the day my dad finally caved and said ok. So fun! She's growing up into such a pretty girl.