Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Ring around the Rosie

I love being a mom. It is hard work and exhausting and often under-appreciated, but it is rewarding and fun and thought provoking. It is everything I ever wanted in my life.

When all the kids were little (or littler than they are now because none of my kids is really big) I was grateful I could solve every problem that came up. Diaper rash = diaper cream, Fussy baby = lots of hugs and rocking, Grouchy toddler = nap time. You get it, right?

Today, by lunch time I had comforted a child over the loss of a friendship, watched a child suffer the consequences of a choice made by others, saw a child receive a deserved punishment from another adult, comforted a child when a pet (ladybug) died. It's been busy.

I've realized that I can't solve or fix all their problems anymore. It pretty much stinks. This new stage of parenting is unfamiliar and difficult, but I'm up for the challenge because this is the best job I've ever had.


Daniel said...

I love you, sis (and your whole family of course). You are awesome. I've always said I won't envy you when all your kids become teenagers though, but if anyone can handle your kids getting older, you can.

Brimaca said...

At least you'll be able to offer me advice when mine get there. Does that give you any comfort?...No? Well, at least it gives me comfort! :)

Megs said...

I know how you feel. It is hard to see broken hearts and not be able to mend, or at least beat the living daylights out of the kid being mean to my kids. Ya, I know turn the other cheek. Still working on that one. :)

Brooke said...

I know what you're talking about, and it's so hard! Thankfully I've still got a couple I can fix everything for...

Sarah said...

You are amazing Laura. Fortunately for me I am still at the "I can solve any problem stage". I will have to keep in good touch with you so you can give me some advice when I get to that stage. =c)

Carrie said...

I hate not being able to solve all the problems anymore. And I'm discovering more and more just how complex this parenting business is. And my oldest is only 8!

Amanda said...

Love this post, Laura! I'm only now (with a 4 1/2 year old) barely grazing the next step where bigger problems come up and already think it's hard (and heart-breaking at times). You're right - there is no better job out there!