Ian got a dry erase board and a set of magnetic letters for Christmas in hopes that he might actually decide that learning can be fun.
were singing the alphabet song
while putting the letters in order only to find that our dollar store purchase
was even cheaper than I originally thought. Turns out
we did get 26 letters, they just aren't all unique.
I can just picture the quality control manager over in China looking at the package
with 2 G's and no
W saying, "Those letters all look alike. No one
will ever notice."
Who needs a
W any
Clever but sad, what's up with the 2 g's? :)
I had to erase my comment. Too funny. I will tell you in private. He he he.
You're just so dang witty sometimes.
Okay you are too funny. I was reading that and thinking something is way wrong with her W. Then it all made sense. Now I am wondering how you do that. How do you make your words look crossed out.
I bought a magnetic board and a bunch of magnetic letters at Wal-Mart to use in Primary Singing Time. I got every letter, but I had to buy eight packages to have enough vowels to make a phrase. If you need some q's, x's or z's I've got eight of each of them. Sorry, but I need the W's! (The packages only cost 88c each though).
Too funny! This reminds me of that book Ella Minnow Pea? Have you read it? You should check it out.
Too bad they didn't give you 2 M's.
Those W's are a little overrated. Just be sneaky...snag the M and flip it upside down. :)
And look...I didn't use a single W!
Oh wait....guess I did use a W. Darn "down!"
I too have a tacky comment. Wonder if it is the same as your friend Steph's. Hmmm....
I've been wondering what all the tacky comments could be. Jared just rolls his eyes like he can't believe I haven't figured it out yet.
Somethings never change.
laura i cant figure it out either..
sorry about that though, so anoying!!
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