Monday, November 16, 2009

Help a girl out...

I wonder why nobody tells me that this sticker is still on when I'm at the grocery store, doctor's office, and library?


Brooke said...

Hehehe, I wouldn't have told you out of sweet revenge, because nobody told me when I went to the bank, the grocery store and the hardware store...plenty of nasty looks, no helpful comments like "gee, crazy lady with out of control children, you've got a sticker stuck to you..."

Not helpful at all!

Brimaca said...

Is it your driver's license pic they used? I probably would assume you were on your way there or something. ;)

Becky Shuler said...

Hey, our school passes look just like that! They use your drivers license picture, and thankfully mine is a decent one. Yeah, pretty funny that no one bothered to tell you!

Katy said...

I proudly wear mine all around town! (Not intentionally!)

Elsha said...

At least it wasn't a size tag on new clothes. I've seen that before!

lori frerman said...

I always had one of those on! Thankfully here I don't have to wear one. They actually lock all the doors to the school and buzz you in.

emblair said...

Love the pre-kids comment. So was that little comment pre-errands around town, or did that come afterward?!

Megs said...

I think you should wear it proud. Show others they should help out at school also.

Steph said...

Same reason no one told me that I had a big smudge of peanut butter on my cheek at the school. I talked with 5 teachers that day, got to the car and THEN saw it!
The sticker is pretty cool, anyhow.