Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ready for Bed

Amy has a thing for shoes.

This her ready-for-bed outfit.
She changed out of her sandals and into tennis shoes for the event.

There are important things to argue about.
This wasn't one of them.
She slept like a log all night, in her tennis shoes.


Brooke said...

Sounds like a great thing. I'm totally ok with my kids sleeping in whatever they want, if they promise to sleep all.night.long.... :)

Katie said...

maybe i will put charlie in some shoes and see if that helps his poor sleeping habits! :)

Tiffani and Nate said...

Caleb does that too! I usually sneak in and take them off after he's asleep. Love it.

Sarah said...

LOL! I love this. Who would have thought that tennis shoes could be so pacifying? I really enjoy her shoe stories.

Elsha said...

Awesome. I usually leave Kalena in her footed pajamas until after morning nap, but there have been many days where she demands to wear her tennis shoes over the pajamas. Whatever works.

Anonymous said...

Is that Tara's Little Mermaid night gown she is wearing? If shoes make her sleep thru the night, maybe I should put some on Addie.

Steph said...

Way to pick your battles!
Zach doesn't wear underwear to bed. That was one of ours.

emblair said...

I {heart} Amy!!!!

Brimaca said...

L does that too!!! The rest of us hate shoes so we can't figure it out.

Julie said...

Whatever works. So cute!