Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Tara is getting baptized in one month. To help her understand and prepare for this step we are having the missionaries come teach her the discussions.

I feel like I am having a parenting exam. With each question the Elders ask, I wait with baited breath wondering, "Did I teach her that?" Then as she answers (usually correctly) I heave a sigh of relief and occasionally make a mental note about things I should emphasized more.

Hearing your child explain their knowledge of the Savior and his role in their life is humbling and rewarding at the same time. I love that girl of mine who always seems to be teaching me.


Brooke said...

Awesome idea! She is very smart and I'm sure it has a lot to do with you and Jared being great examples to her. Good luck!

Delcie said...

I can't believe your first little one is getting baptized!!! It's so exciting! Great idea to have the missionaries come and teach about baptism. I have no doubt that she knows about baptism and is totally ready to take that step! Congratulations!

Megs said...

That is a great idea to have the missionaries.

When JJ went in for his interview with the bishop I had been preparing him for a while. When it finally happened I thought I would get to go in with him. NOPE! I was left out in the hall wondering if he was doing okay.

When the bishop came out he told us he was one of the most prepared eight year old's he had ever interviewed. I heaved a sigh of relief.

When we left I asked him what questions he had asked. It was nothing we had gone over. He did great even without all the help from me. Taught me a big lesson. They are learning all the time. I love what they absorb, and I am so grateful to those who help them learn.

Becky Shuler said...

Great idea, Laura! Matthew turns 8 in January, so we should start with the missionaries in a few monhts. I'm proud of the little lady Tara is. What a good girl!