Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Too Much of a Good Thing

I love the person who thought to put flavoring in antibiotics.

I think my pharmacist might have put an extra dose of flavoring in Amy's medicine because that girl asks for medicine 10 times a day. And the yummy medicine motivated her to learn a new trick. Imagine my surprise when she handed me her open medicine bottle from off the top shelf of the fridge.

Who wants some Liquid Candy?


Carrie said...

Childproof cap, my eye!

Elsha said...

Kalena had that nasty white chalky stuff. Luckily we know all about conditioned responses so we fed her a piece of chocolate after every dose. By the end she took it willingly.

Megs said...

Does it ever get dull around your house. Apparently not!

Steph said...

Ha! The people who make the "childproof" caps should really test them on your kids first.

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness! What a smart girl. My children all go crazy when we give them medicine. Kaia is convinced that motrin/tylenol is candy. When I give the boys some for teething I have to give her smarties. LOL

Brimaca said...

Wow half the time I can't even open them.

Heather Tew said...

Isn't it great....Addison is on antibiotics right now and she gets so upset when it is gone. Nice idea but dangerous!!