Wednesday, June 17, 2009


I am the luckiest girl in the whole, wide world. Really, I am.

I had a hard day Wednesday and so Jared surprised me by getting a babysitter and taking me out to dinner. That was an awesome surprise; then during dinner guess what?

He proposed to me, again. On one knee and everything!

I had butterflies in my stomach and I felt so special just like the first time he proposed. The only difference is I love him a lot more now than I did then. And I cried, a lot.

Oh, and I loved how the other diners yelled out, "Did she say yes?" "When's the date?" and "Congratulations!"

I love my new ring too, wow! He out did himself.

post script: I showed my new ring to the kids when I got home. Amy looked at my ring then looked at me and said, "Can I wear it?"


Brooke said...

Congratulations, I'm excited for the two of you to embark on this new journey together... :)

Sounds awesome, seriously! What a great guy. (and couple, I mean honestly we love you both!)

Heather Tew said...

oh yeah!! I am happy for you! I think it is hilarious that Amy wanted to wear it. I am sure that thing won't come off your finger for a while....and probably won't find a home on the back of the toilet. Congrats!!!

Katie said...

ahh, so sweet!! what a catch! can i come to the wedding?

Brimaca said...

Wow! That's awesome. What a great guy!

Oh Amy. hehe.

Carrie said...

How sweet! So where's the close-up of that new ring?

Becky Shuler said...

I am so happy for you!!! What a great husband you have and how cute to re-propose!! I bet you'll never take it off!!

Megs said...

So that is the cutest sweetest most romatical thing ever. I am glad you got a new ring. We need pics. Please tell me you told Amy NO!

Dianne said...


Sarah said...

Awww...that is so sweet! You are a very lucky girl!

Katy said...

Oh yeah! This is what I thought the "new rings" blog would be about....and was surprised to find it was about the ring pops! What a great way to give you a new ring! Love it!

Julie said...

All's right in the universe now! A girl needs a wedding ring to go with her five's only fitting. :) Way to go Jared!

emblair said...

Kudos to Jared... Way to go, man! Thanks for taking such good care of my big sis!

And for making her feel butterflies and stare at her hand like she's 19 all over again. :) And with that ring, I'd be staring too!! GORGEOUS!

grammawood said...

Aw! How sweet! What a cute way to give you a new ring. And I'm sure the folks in the restaurant had no clue you already have five kids, and knowing that still said "yes".

Adriane said...

That is so sweet! I wish Peter would do that!
Congratulations and may you have a wonderful rest of eternity together.